Review: Maybelline Baby lips Electro Pop in Pink Shock

Hello everyone.... First off all I want to say: HAPPY VALENTINE EVERYONE. I wish you all have a loving valentine day :). I'll make an entry about my valentine day but in my other blog. So if you want to read it just check out my other blog okies ^^. Anyway, Today I'm going to reviewing a very famous lipbalm from Maybelline. I know it's kinda late to reviewing this product, but still better late than nothing right? Maybelline Baby Lips Elecro pop in Pink Shock Why You'll Love It Electric color pigments give your lips a sheer jolt of neon color Protects and moisturizes for a full 8 hours In 6 New Tinted Shades Visibly renewed lips in 1 week* 88% Had Smoother Lips* 82% Had Less Dry Lips* 70% Had More Supple Lips* 83% Had Better-Looking Lips* *Based on panelists’ self-evaluation after 1 week taken from: And here's the ingredients list: Let's move on into my review about this lipbalm: ...