Review: Jill Beauty Lip Matte (2 old shades + 3 new shades)
Hello Friends.... How are you today? Surabaya is getting hotter day by day. Buat yang puasa, selamat berpuasa ya :). Sorry baru bisa ngucapin sekarang karena blogpost yang hari minggu itu aku buat autopublish. Ok, so today I will reviewing a local brand lip matte / lip cream from Jill Beauty. For disclaimer, I bought this with my own money so I just bought shades that I think will work in my skin tone. First of all, lets find out what Jill beauty said about their product: Lip Cream dengan hasil matte yang bersifat tahan lama di bibir, mengandung moisturizer yang dapat melembabkan bibir, serta dilengkapi UV Protection dan Anti Oxidant. Basically they said if their lipstick contains moisturizer that will make your lips moist. It is kinda weird actually because they market this lipstick as Matte Lipstick, which we know matte lipstick most likely wont make our lips moist. Jill beauty lip matte have 10 shades: 01. RED CHERRY 02. PEACHY PINK 03. MATTE COCO...