
Showing posts with the label Basic

Ternak hutang?!?

Hallo semuanya,  Hari ini aku mau ngobrol soal berhutang.  Yes, hutang.  Ini masih lanjutan dari seri keuangan yang aku tulis sebelumnya.  Dan yah, kalian ga salah baca.  Ternak Hutang, bukan ternak uang.  Kenapa aku kepengen banget ngobrolin soal ternak hutang.  Karena di sekitarku (bukan keluarga ya yang pasti), aku lihat orang-orang yang berhutang bukan karena lagi urgent dan butuh banget.  Kebanyakan berhutang karena gaya hidup.  Berhutang karena gaya hidup contohnya apa?  Shopeepay later Dari yang aku lihat, kebanyakan orang (walaupun ga semua) pakai shopeepay later untuk gaya hidup.  Beli baju, tas, sepatu, dll terus karena ga punya uang atau karena ga kepengen langsung keluar banyak duit untuk bayar belanjaan sekaligus maka mereka pakai shopeepay.  Apakah Shopee salah mengeluarkan fitur ini?  Ga.  Shopee sama sekali ga melakukan kesalahan.  Karena balik lagi, ada atau ga ada shopeepay later, pada akhirnya ...

Koleksi Bath & Body Works Fine Fragrance Mist

Hello everyone,  Hari ini hari senin dan juga hari pertama di bulan November.  Gimana hari senin kalian?  Aku sendiri belum tahu hari seninku bakalan gimana, karena aku nulis post ini di hari minggu malam.  Yes, aku udah balik ke mode autopublish post.  Jadi ingat jaman dulu waktu masih sering banget blogging (di blog lama tentunya), karena sibuk kerja jadinya post di blog kebanyakan autopublish 😆.  So, di blog post hari ini aku cuma mau nunjukin koleksi fine fragarance mist Bath & Body Works yang aku punya.  Ini semua aku beli pakai uang pribadi ya, bukan barang sponsor/endorse atau apalah itu namanya.  Aku juga ga punya banyak sih sebenernya.  Karena kalau beli juga aku biasanya antara cium dulu baunya atau kalau beli online cek wangi notes nya dulu.  Dari sekian banyak yang aku punya, rasanya udah ketahuan lah ya mana yang favorit 🤭.  Yup, favoritku itu yang varian Mad About You.  Ga tau udah berapa kali re-purchase de...

How I Clean My Face Without Facial Wash

Hello Friends, How are you there? I'm down with flu here 😞. But anyway, I will still try to keep blogging regularly no matter what happened 😊. Today I'm going to talk about my recent method to clean up my face. I used to use facial wash regularly on the morning and night but since my skin condition is change so I change my routine too. After I back from my HK trip back then in july (should I write about my HK trip experienses?), my skin is change from oily side into dry side. And washing my face using facial wash every single day & night doesnt help at all. So here is the video on how I actually clean up my face on daily basis now (night routine). Thank you for read my blog. And see you again in my next post. Bye.... 😊😊😊😊

Tutorial: Easy / Simple Make Up for Beginner

Hello friends, Happy Sunday ^^. Last Tuesday I've been invited by my friend for her son 1st b'day celebration. I think this culture become common at indonesia lately. last month my bestie invited me for her daughter 1st b'day celebration. I was hold the b'day girl, she is my friend daughter (half indonesian, half ecuadorian) But today, we're not going to talk about a b'day party. Today I want to show you how I did simple make up for occasion. No need fancy brush, no need 10 colour of different eyeshadow. So this is the look that I did when I attend my friend son b'day party. For the step on how to do this, you can check out my video below: I wish you all a blessed sunday. See you again at wednesday :) xx Kei

Back to school make up tutorial (for middle school and high school student)

Hello.... I back with my beauty entry (update every sunday) and today I'll make Back to school make up tutorial for middle school student (smp & sma).I've been watch some video and read some blog tutorial for back to school make up but I don't think if it's suitable for indonesian student. Even when I watch tutorial from some indonesian beauty blogger for back to school make up, I still feel if it's kind of not suitable for indonesian student. At indonesia, middle school and high school student didn't allowed to use visible make up at school. Not only make up but even hair colouring is not allowed at school. So today I'll make tutorial that at least more acceptable at school :). All you need for this tutorial is: 1. BB cream (cushion bb cream is also good) BB cream has spf in it and for school student that may lazy to put sunblock it will be good enough. 2. Face Powder For this look actually I use baby powder but you can use any powder tha...