
Showing posts with the label random post

Hari Minggu yang Santai

Hello semuanya, selamat hari minggu.  Hari ini aku lagi malas banget.  Mungkin juga didukung cuaca yang semakin siang semakin mendung ya.  Pagi ini skip sarapan karena bangunnya udah siang jadi ga sempat sarapan deh, hihihi...  Trus lanjut ke makan siang.  Menu makan siangku adalah oat meal + soto ayam.  Itu diatas oatmeal aku ada taburin koya soto, makanya bentuknya begitu.  Btw, kalian kalau makan oatmeal gimana?  Kalau aku biasanya ya begini, aku jadikan pengganti nasi.  Jadi aku makan oatmeal pakai lauk atau sup gitu.  Walaupun kadang juga suka di kreasikan, ditambahin telur atau cakwe kayak bubur ayam.  Suka bingung sama yang bilang makan oatmeal hambar.  Kalo di masak pake air doang trus ga di makan pake lauk, ya pastinya hambar dan ga enak.  Tapi kalo di makan pake sup atau lauk, enak-enak aja kok.  Trus buat aku juga, oatmeal ga melulu soal makanan diet ya.  Aku suka makan oatmeal karena dia kaya fiber/se...

Frozen Paratha for Lazy Sunday Breakfast (or Brunch??)

Hello Everyone,  Today is sunday and this is last day at october. AS usual, I never woke up early on sunday 😆.  Every sunday I feel it is my opportunity to recharge.  And my way to recharge is with sleep more 😄.  So today I woke up arround 9am. And after woke up, like usual I texted my bf good morning (which is not really morning anymore by the time I woke up), then scroll onto my instagram, and talk with my bf via video call before I finally really get out from the bed.  Today breakfast (or maybe it is more appropriate to be called as brunch) menu are frozen paratha, curry soup and MC Donalds Iced coffee.  That MC donalds Iced coffee actually have long story.  So I bought Mcdonals for lunch yesterday and I bought their iced coffee too via grabfood.  When the food arrived, I didn't find my iced coffee.  So I send complain to grabfood customer service.  I think it is not the driver mistake.  It must be the restaurant mistake. ...

Dark Skin is Ugly

Hello Friends, it's been awhile since the last time I wrote here. So many things happened in this past few months. I have a new job now and this few months I've been busy adjusting my self with my new job. That's why I didn't wrote much here. Anyway, Today I'm going to talk about topic that always been there since centuries ago. "Skin Color" . Recently I watched video about this topic. Asian and Westerner have different preference about skin colour. Mostly asian will say that Fair Skin is better/prettier. Where westerner will say that Tan skin is better. Today, I want to share to you my personal experience about "How it feels to have dark tan skin in asia (especially Indonesia)" . As everyone know already, people prefer white/fair skin in asia. If you travel to asia and walk in beauty aisle at supermarket, you can find many "whitening" product. There are Whitening Soap, Whitening Lotion, Whitening Moisturizer, Wh...

Blog Tutorial : Cara Mengedit Video Menggunakan Videopad + Link Download (Bahasa Indonesia)

Hello Friends, Today I'm going to write about stuff that unrelated with beauty so I will write using Bahasa Indonesia today :). Beauty related entry will uploaded in next week. Hari ini aku mau share cara aku buat edit semua video-video youtube aku. Dan aku pakai bahasa indonesia buat jelasin bukan karena ga pede bikin entry serius pake bahasa inggris, tapi aku berharap supaya entry aku yang ini bisa lebih mudah di pahami banyak orang. Anyway, kebetulan aku lihat di youtube gak terlalu banyak beauty youtuber dari Indonesia. Kalo adapun emang mereka-mereka yang udah jadi big youtuber (ex: Lizzie Parra, Tasya Farasha, dll). Yang lainnya? hmm...kebanyakan ga terlalu konsisten untuk jadi youtubers. Ini semua bikin aku mikir, apa jangan-jangan pada males jadi youtubers karena ribet edit videonya? Padahal ngedit video jatuhnya lebih cepet daripada ngedit foto-foto buat blog. I'm not saying my editing is flawless tapi di sini aku cuma mau share aja, siapa tahu ada d...

Chit chat: Long Distance Relationship and Social Media part I

Hello everyone, It's been awhile since the last time I wrote here. Today I'm going to talk about Long distance relationship and social media. Nowadays having long distance relationship is already a common things. And social media is having important role in it. I know, I know....this blog should be a beauty blog. But I find this topic is interesting and I want to share my thought about this with you guys. From my experience, having long distance relationship is hard. Oh ok mistake. Long distance relationship isn't just hard but it is very very hard 😫😫. I've been in LDR and still walking through it for now so I know how hard it is. And to sum all my though about LDR, I make a video of it 😄. So that's all for today and I will post new blogpost this weekend :). Hope you all have a nice day. xx