
Showing posts with the label autopublish

Koleksi Parfum Lokal, Murah Berkualitas

Hello Everyone,  Hari ini kita ngobrolin parfum lokal yuk.  Sebenernya aku juga ga punya banyak parfum atau edp.  Karena aku pada dasarnya lebih suka pake body mist.  Ini pun punya parfum juga karena kadang suka lapar mata pas lihat iklan parfum di IG, hehe.  Tapi karena pada dasarnya aku tipikal orang yang suka bau wangi jadi kayak yang kalian lihat, semua parfum ku well used banget.  Soalnya ada juga kan orang yang suka koleksi parfum for the sake of collection jadi mereka beli untuk dikoleksi, ga benar-benar dipakai.  Aku pakai parfum juga keseringan aku layer pakai body mist jadi wanginya bisa tahan lebih lama.  Yah, sadar diri aja lah kalau aku sih.  Karena namanya berangkat kerja naik gojek, kena panas di jalan, keringetan juga.  Jadi kalo ga pake pengharum badan aka parfum/body mist, khawatirnya nyampe kantor udah bau asem lagi.  Favorit aku dari koleksi parfumku?  Semuanya favorit, hehe...  Dan karena semuanya favo...

Ternak hutang?!?

Hallo semuanya,  Hari ini aku mau ngobrol soal berhutang.  Yes, hutang.  Ini masih lanjutan dari seri keuangan yang aku tulis sebelumnya.  Dan yah, kalian ga salah baca.  Ternak Hutang, bukan ternak uang.  Kenapa aku kepengen banget ngobrolin soal ternak hutang.  Karena di sekitarku (bukan keluarga ya yang pasti), aku lihat orang-orang yang berhutang bukan karena lagi urgent dan butuh banget.  Kebanyakan berhutang karena gaya hidup.  Berhutang karena gaya hidup contohnya apa?  Shopeepay later Dari yang aku lihat, kebanyakan orang (walaupun ga semua) pakai shopeepay later untuk gaya hidup.  Beli baju, tas, sepatu, dll terus karena ga punya uang atau karena ga kepengen langsung keluar banyak duit untuk bayar belanjaan sekaligus maka mereka pakai shopeepay.  Apakah Shopee salah mengeluarkan fitur ini?  Ga.  Shopee sama sekali ga melakukan kesalahan.  Karena balik lagi, ada atau ga ada shopeepay later, pada akhirnya ...

Serum antiaging lokal murah dan berkualitas auto glowing (the aubree + somethinc)

Hello there,  Apa kabar hari ini?  Aku harap semuanya baik-baik aja ya.  Hari ini aku mau share 2 serum serum antiaging yang sekarang lagi aku pake. Kita bahas satu-satu secara general ya.  1. The Aubree Ginseng Renewind First Serum Serum ini favorit aku banget saat ini.  Saking favoritnya, udah 3x aku re-purchase dan nanti kalau habis pasti akan re-purchase lagi.  Nanti aku akan buat satu post khusus buat serum ini.  Serum ini deserve pembahasan dan review mendalam.  100% love this Serum.  2. Something Bakuchiol Aku sejujurnya mencoba bakuchiol ini karena mau mulai lagi pakai retinol.  Cuma lagi menyiapkan kulitku supaya ga kaget.  Terakhir aku pakai retinol nya the ordinary dan break out.  Ga parah banget sih, tapi jerawat rasanya non stop tumbuh.  Jadi terganggu banget rasanya.  Padahal sebelumnya aku pakai Serum retinol dari votre peau bagus banget hasilnya (sekarang udah discontinued).  Eh ga tau kenapa paka...

Koleksi Bath & Body Works Fine Fragrance Mist

Hello everyone,  Hari ini hari senin dan juga hari pertama di bulan November.  Gimana hari senin kalian?  Aku sendiri belum tahu hari seninku bakalan gimana, karena aku nulis post ini di hari minggu malam.  Yes, aku udah balik ke mode autopublish post.  Jadi ingat jaman dulu waktu masih sering banget blogging (di blog lama tentunya), karena sibuk kerja jadinya post di blog kebanyakan autopublish 😆.  So, di blog post hari ini aku cuma mau nunjukin koleksi fine fragarance mist Bath & Body Works yang aku punya.  Ini semua aku beli pakai uang pribadi ya, bukan barang sponsor/endorse atau apalah itu namanya.  Aku juga ga punya banyak sih sebenernya.  Karena kalau beli juga aku biasanya antara cium dulu baunya atau kalau beli online cek wangi notes nya dulu.  Dari sekian banyak yang aku punya, rasanya udah ketahuan lah ya mana yang favorit 🤭.  Yup, favoritku itu yang varian Mad About You.  Ga tau udah berapa kali re-purchase de...

Review: Emina Apricot Jam Face Scrub

Hello Friends, I still don't know when I will wrote more about my hanoi trip. So today I will talk about my recent face scrub, Emina Apricot Jam Face Scrub. Before I start my review, let's just find out what Emina said about this product from their website : " Apricot Seed and Olive Oil in Glycerin base gives a moist and natural exfoliation to remove dead skin cell and impurities". Well, not much explaination at their website about this product..haha. Now, lets go to the review: First, I want to talk about their packaging. To be honest, I'm not a fussy person about packaging design. As long as the product is work, I usually never really pay attention into packaging design.. But.... I have to admit if Emina product have young and catchy design. Their packaging remind me into korean brands that famous with their catchy packaging design. About the product it self, I find it mild in my skin. But remember my skin is a mature skin and I...

Jalan-Jalan : Hanoi Vietnam Trip 2018(How to go to Old Quarter from Noibai Airport) Part 1

Hello Friends, Happy sunday everyone! Today I'm going to write about my travel experience to Vietnam last june. I went to hanoi from 12 june - 18 june. Yes, it was holiday season at Indonesia (eid Fitri) and the ticket price is quite expensive. My flight was Surabaya - Hanoi via Kuala Lumpur by Air Asia. It was an early flight and I barely sleep at the night before (too excited maybe..haha). So My flight from Surabaya to KL at 05.05 AM - 08.35 AM and my flight from KL to Hanoi 12.40 PM - 15.00 PM. KLIA2 After I reach KLIA2 and eat my brunch, I walk to my gate then sleep on the chair. You know how chair on the waiting gate at KLIA2 are not designed for people to sleep right? But I can sleep at that chair for an hour :D. Too sleepy, so I just fall asleep there. I arrived at Noibai International airport around 15.15 PM. After immigration, get my baggage, toilet and changing money, around 4.20 PM I was ready to leave airport to go to my hotel at old ...

Blog Tutorial : Cara Mengedit Video Menggunakan Videopad + Link Download (Bahasa Indonesia)

Hello Friends, Today I'm going to write about stuff that unrelated with beauty so I will write using Bahasa Indonesia today :). Beauty related entry will uploaded in next week. Hari ini aku mau share cara aku buat edit semua video-video youtube aku. Dan aku pakai bahasa indonesia buat jelasin bukan karena ga pede bikin entry serius pake bahasa inggris, tapi aku berharap supaya entry aku yang ini bisa lebih mudah di pahami banyak orang. Anyway, kebetulan aku lihat di youtube gak terlalu banyak beauty youtuber dari Indonesia. Kalo adapun emang mereka-mereka yang udah jadi big youtuber (ex: Lizzie Parra, Tasya Farasha, dll). Yang lainnya? hmm...kebanyakan ga terlalu konsisten untuk jadi youtubers. Ini semua bikin aku mikir, apa jangan-jangan pada males jadi youtubers karena ribet edit videonya? Padahal ngedit video jatuhnya lebih cepet daripada ngedit foto-foto buat blog. I'm not saying my editing is flawless tapi di sini aku cuma mau share aja, siapa tahu ada d...

Chit chat: Long Distance Relationship and Social Media part I

Hello everyone, It's been awhile since the last time I wrote here. Today I'm going to talk about Long distance relationship and social media. Nowadays having long distance relationship is already a common things. And social media is having important role in it. I know, I know....this blog should be a beauty blog. But I find this topic is interesting and I want to share my thought about this with you guys. From my experience, having long distance relationship is hard. Oh ok mistake. Long distance relationship isn't just hard but it is very very hard 😫😫. I've been in LDR and still walking through it for now so I know how hard it is. And to sum all my though about LDR, I make a video of it 😄. So that's all for today and I will post new blogpost this weekend :). Hope you all have a nice day. xx

Review: Jill Beauty Lip Matte (2 old shades + 3 new shades)

Hello Friends.... How are you today? Surabaya is getting hotter day by day. Buat yang puasa, selamat berpuasa ya :). Sorry baru bisa ngucapin sekarang karena blogpost yang hari minggu itu aku buat autopublish. Ok, so today I will reviewing a local brand lip matte / lip cream from Jill Beauty. For disclaimer, I bought this with my own money so I just bought shades that I think will work in my skin tone. First of all, lets find out what Jill beauty said about their product: Lip Cream dengan hasil matte yang bersifat tahan lama di bibir, mengandung moisturizer yang dapat melembabkan bibir, serta dilengkapi UV Protection dan Anti Oxidant. Basically they said if their lipstick contains moisturizer that will make your lips moist. It is kinda weird actually because they market this lipstick as Matte Lipstick, which we know matte lipstick most likely wont make our lips moist. Jill beauty lip matte have 10 shades: 01. RED CHERRY 02. PEACHY PINK 03. MATTE COCO...

What's in my bag?

Hello everyone.... I was read ate rica blog post about what's in her bag here . I think it's interesting and decide to do mine. so here we go: This is my daily bag from Elle. And to be honest I didn't use designer bag because I can't afford it (>_<). Inside my bag I have: 1. Make up pouch. 2. Bag organizer that become my purse too. 3. Pencil case. 4. Comb (I know it's look like old granny comb but I dont know why I really love it..haha..). 3. Earphone. 4. Hand fan (Indonesia is super hot, need it when I have to stuck in a room without AC). 5. Handphone (I use it to take this picture). 6. Charger. And this is what inside my make up pouch : 1. Elianto natural mineral powder. 2. ZA powder (I need its mirror but not use this powder daily). 3. Skinfood black bean eyebrow pencil. 4. Etude Draw me eyebrow pencil. 5. Revlon lipstick on mauve it over. 5. PAC lipstick on ripe apple. 6. The Bodyshop born lippie lipbalm 7. Etude De...

DIY Facial at Home (Weekly Routine)

Hello everyone...  How are you all? When I write this (11/01/15) I feel a lil bit unwell, got cough... Anyway today I'm going to share about my weekly routine. I didn't have complicated routine nor using expensive product :). I do use local and international brand, but today I use 95% local product as I want to do traditional facial today :).  So here's the product that I used today (I forgot take picture for my scrub and mask). 1. Cleanser : Sariayu Pembersih Refreshing Aromatic Mawar 2. Scrub : Mustika Ratu Peeling Mundisari (even it have peeling name but actually this is a scrub). 3. Mask : Mustika Ratu Tomato Mask. 4. Facial Foam : Clean & Clear Essential Foaming Facial Wash. 5. Toner : Viva Face Tonic Bengkoang. 6. Serum : Biokos Botu Like Okay now we move into step to step to do DIY facial (you can use any other product that suitable on your skin, not have to use the exact same product like me). 1. Clean If you use make up then you nee...