
Pengumuman: Hari Update Blog dan Topiknya

Hi...  Hari ini cuma mau bikin pengumuman aja.  Di karenakan aku lagi banyak waktu dan berencana update blog 3x dalam seminggu mulai bulan Maret.  Mohon maaf juga karena bulan Januari - februari ga post apapun karena kebetulan aku sakit di pertengahan Januari dan baru pulih di pertengahan februari.  Ada beberapa topic yang bakalan sering di post dan aku tau orang bakal suka baca topik yang berbeda dari blogku.  Jadi mulai bulan  Maret,  Jadwal update blog adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Senin : Topik Bullet Journal (bujo)  2. Rabu  : Beauty (skincare, Make up, perfume/body mist)  3. Jumat : Adult Coloring (Mewarnai untuk orang dewasa) atau review buku.  So ada 4 topik yang bakalan sering dipost di blog ini.  Dan ke empat nya adalah passion aku.  Postingan lain di luar keempat topik itu akan di post random di hari-hari lain.  Karena yang pasti aku akan post juga mengenai hari-hari ku, mood, atau memories.  Dan aku janji, aku bakalan rapih kan tag di blog supaya kalian mudah kalau mau search

Covid 19 is Source of My Stress and Anxiety

Hello everyone,  Here I am talking about covid 19 again.  To be honest, I'm no longer following covid 19 news again lately.  Because it make me stress and devastated.  The more I read news about covid, the more I get stress.  Back then I hope, after vaccine then everything get better.  But hey, I'm wrong.  After vaccine nothing really happen.  Covid still here and even mutate into Omicron Variant.  Great!!!!  Now, 2022. After 2 years battling with covid.  Is anything get better?  No.  Is covid finally gone?  No.  What we got after 2 years are series of lockdown and border close.  Yes. That's it.  Oh other things that coming with it, such as a lot of people losing their job.  And also a lot of people cant fly back home to meet family. Many small business died.  And personally for me, Covid fuck up my life.  It's eating my soul, alive.  If there's no covid or covid is handled well and everyone can fly, no expensive quarantine.  I don't really think I will be as de

Bath & Body Works Indonesia SAS Haul Januari 2022

Hello teman-teman semua,  Sebenernya ada postingan lain yang aku mau post sebelum postingan ini.  Cuma kayaknya ini lebih penting untuk di share, jadi aku bikin post ini buat naik duluan.  Tada....  Ini haul aku buat SAS bulan Januari ini.  Di SAS kali ini aku grab 3 body mist.  Full size Marigold and Cane sugar, Full Size Open Sky, Travel Size Winter Candy Apple.  Dan dari ketiganya yang paling favorit open sky.  Ga tau kenapa ada yang review negatif open sky, karena menurutku beneran enak.  Tapi namanya fragrance kan balik lagi ke selera ya.  SAS kali ini ga beli banyak karena, harus mulai berhemat.  Karena per Januari aku resign dari pekerjaanku.  Nanti kalau udah ada sumber penghasilan lagi baru bisa beli agak banyak pas SAS Summer.  Buat yang pada penasaran, SAS itu Semi Annual Sale.  Jadi pas SAS ini harga produk di Bath and Body Works biasanya tinggal setengah harga.  Mereka diskon 50%, jadi cocok buat yang mau stock.  Cuma stock yang di sale ga semua lah.  Dan ketersediannya be


  Hi,  I'm listening to 60 Minutes Worship tonight.  Not finish yet, but will finish it later.  I usually listen on it at office while I did my work.  It help me a lot.  Remind me that even though things seems uncertain for me, God will never leave me alone.  And I know, that God have beautiful plan for me ahead.  To be honest, I'm still trying to do night prayer regularly.  I pray before sleep but it is more of before sleep prayer.  So I try to do night prayer more now.  Sometimes when I do night prayer, I will end up cry in my pray.  Because I do feel my heart is very heavy.  And when I pray, I talk to God, my Father in the heaven.  I talk about everything and that make me cry, as I'm unloading my heavy heart burden.  As for now, I'm doing good.  Still up and down la.  Some days I'm ok, some days I'm feeling down.  I'm still trying hard to not feeling this way anymore.  But this is hard. Very hard.  Because my main problem, my main cause of stress not solv

2021 Favorite Gourmand Body Mist (Bath & Body Work, Evangeline)

Hello semuanya,  Hari ini aku mau share body mist dengan wangi gourmand atau wangi kue, yang jadi favoritku sepanjang 2021. Kalau ada yang lebih suka wangi fruity atau wangi bunga, di tunggu di postingan selanjutnya ya.  Nanti aku post body mist dengan wangi fruity dan bunga yang jadi favoritku di 2021. Ada 5 body mist dengan wangi gourmand yang aku favoritkan di tahun 2021 lalu.  Dan karena favorit, itu kalau kalian intip isinya sebenernya pada kurang dari setengah...haha...  Hampir tiap hari dipake soalnya.  Pertama aku mau bahas dari yang range harganya rada mahal dulu ya.  Bath and body work ini kalau pencinta body mist dan parfume harusnya udah ga asing lagi.  Harganya kalo lagi ga ada diskon rata-rata 299k - 359k. Tapi mereka sering bikin mix and match, beli 3 gratis 1 atau beli 2 gratis 1. Atau kalau ga, bisa stock pas lagi ada body care diskon atau body mist diskon.  Soalnya harganya bisa drop ke 150k - 179k per botol.  Untung banget kan, dapet setengah harga.  Untuk tahun 2021

My Mood Tracker Freak Me Out

Hi,  Like you all know, I have trackers on my bujo.  I track my skincare, my vitamins, my mood, my sleep.  And I'm actually a bit freak out now.  I mean, even if I didn't really express or showing it to people but my mood tracker is really bad.  Look at that.  We are just in first week of january but my mood tracker look that bad.  To make you understand how to read it.  Green = Happy Orange = Flat (Not Happy but Not Sad either)  Yellow = Sad And as you see in 7 days only, 5 of it in yellow color.  That's really make me scared.  Did something wrong happen with me?  Or I just being a drama queen that sad for almost every day?  One of the reason why I quit my job also because of this.  Because I feel sad almost every day and of course I don't want people see it, in the end it is affecting me at work.  I didn't really feel like 100%. If you really want to know, all day I just want to be on my bed and sleep.  Which is not really happening too because almost every day I

Me & My Color Art (Adult Coloring Book)

Hi everyone,  Today I'm sad.  I know some people just can't ever take the truth and the way they will defend themself are by twisting truth.  But I just never know if it went that far.  Someone bad mouthing about me.  Claiming herself as a victim.  When actually, she is not!  She just fake.  But people buy her story.  It's ok.  Will be finish in 2 days.  Then bye bye all shit.  There were good time.  A lot memories and experience.  Just some people is cant take the truth, cant accept mistake they did.  Very human.  Blaming others for their own incapability.  Anyway that's not thing that I want to talk about today.  Actually, I'm about to share something that I bought to help me calm down and reducing stress.  Tada.....  I bought adult coloring book, Me & my color art.  I always like coloring.  But never know if there is coloring book for adult (sigh, feels like just come out from the cave...haha...).  So when I find if actually there is coloring book for adult,